Monday, October 12, 2009


"You have no idea to the kind of things that people can get used to."

Well I suppose the following article is not gonna be applicable for the existentialists, or for everyone who feels he is his own master and derives his identity by choice than by chance or compulsion. Who am 'I' ? Sounds cliche, i realize that. Most of the times when we encounter a question which demands an explanation for 'I' we ignore it thinking that the answer lies perhaps in the realm of spirituality, or else the answer is explicable only in terms of experience and phenomena beyond the "Ordinary" human reach. Consequently everyone's has had a chance to manipulate the answer as per his/her benefit or will. However the questions still lies there , how does one identify himself. The problem with an identity is that the moment you begin to identify yourself with certain charecteristics , you basically have a choice to choose between that identity and some other. This choice thus nullifies the concept of identity, ie identity would be something eternal and not transient depoending on the person's choice. Thus every possible identity that we associate with ourselves gets squared out by this principle . So can we imply that we are all devoid of identities.
May be or May be not. I don't know.
However i stressed upon the point that the concept of identity would fall apart only in the awareness of the knowledge of the choice one possesses in terms of his/her identity. Most people we encounter, perhaps do not go so deep into analyzing that there's a principle within all of us which is manipulating our actions. This principle for some is a matter of choice whereas for most others is build up gradually and unconsciously thus taking away their power to choose.
Talking about these 'most', this is what becomes their identity, furtther building the foundations for their ego. Why do you think are we all so hesitant to change ? Coz their are circumstances and our reactions to them which have over time become the basis for identifying ourselvbes. You wanna destry a person, destroy the basis of his identity.
However the knowledge that such an idenity is a matter of one's own choice is what i believe can save one from this gross destruction of self and identity.

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