Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why do we need Religion ?

Why do we need a religion in the very first place ? Why is it so important to deal with the existence of God when our own is in jeopardy ? Is religion a need or a tool man created to use and manipulate the masses ? The mist clears a little if we take a look at the evolution of man through the ages. As we trace the human civilization back to 3000 years, we realize that man is the most developed of all organisms on earth and was even back then, What separates man from the rest is his mind or ability to use reason, ability to create and assimilate knowledge and use it for his purpose. The sustenance of life on earth requires a certain minimum in terms of food, clothing and shelter. The primary quest for early man was to somehow ensure this existence with as minimum hurdles as possible. One of the major reasons why man came together as a society. Once man started off in a society he faced troubles from not only the animals and organisms around but also from the nature. So there was an urge to explain the natural phenomena and somehow curb or use it to one's advantage. As we see the earliest form of explanations that rest with us are in terms of myths which constitute together the mythology for a civilization to explain these natural processes. As time went on philosophers came who felt that reason was a better tool to understanding the nature and its functioning. With time these philosophers proposed certain theories to explain man, the universe ,its origin & end e.t.c. However some of these theories were such that the proofs for them were not always in the realm of sensory perceptions or reason. This was the time of the Classical Philosophers. Then came the Hellenistic period. The time when we see individuals using these theories to further upon them. Jesus was one of them. This was the period when the lines between philosophy and religion were blurred. As what these individuals explained was somehow accepted by a majority and since it had attempted to explain the phenomena incomprenhensible hitherto it also put down the urge inside man to look out for any more explanations(Not commenting on all, but a general feeling was as such).What i am trying to point out is that in all periods and at all times this has been an inner urge and need of man to understand the surrounding and that which can cause it pain or pleasure. Consequently , since religion attempts to define a lot of it , even if the proof for it may not always be given in rational terms or a kind which can be comprehended by the senses, it is generally accepted. So, its basically that the inner urge of man , the curiosity to what is everything, about the origin and end,is what is in the nature of man as it has a direct impact on his existence. This attempt to understand the surrounding is explained to a large extent by religion, thus gratifying man's urge and giving him a sense of security as it is in our nature that we supposedly feel more comfortable & confident of something we have a knowledge about, its origin , end working etc. This could also be the reason why religion lost its followers as science developed, one man could not have accepted two reasons for the same phenomena. This also explains why religions wields much more power over the illiterate classes.

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